Jenna Kart Club (Inc)

Club Introduction


Jenna Kart Club offers you a place to meet friendly people, race on a challenging track and be able to participate in a sport that ALL the family can enjoy.
Jenna Kart Club (Inc) originally started off as Northam Kart Club (Inc) until it found new premises within the Shire of Goomalling in 2004. With the support of the Councillors and locals, months of hard work saw the football oval at Jennacubbine transform into a fantastic venue for dirt kart racing.
The name of the Club changed to reflect the new locality with the unanimous support of the club members.
Finally, the first official race meeting date rolled around, and watched by a crowd numbering close to 100, the Shire of Goomalling Councillors, Cr Peter Clarke and Cr Harold Forward both, officially opened the Club. The ribbon cutting ceremony was accompanied by kind and inspiring words by the Councillors, followed by the Juniors and Rookies christening the newly graded track with two laps.
This was a proud moment for all those people who had willingly volunteered their time, goods and advice to create Jenna Kart Club.
The race day was a fantastic success and with the positive comments and with continuing support, Jenna Kart Club's future looks promising!
Come join in the fun at the next race day. See Calendar of Events for details. (Always contact Sharon first to make sure the details/dates have not changed.)

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